by Gayle Palmer | Apr 5, 2017 | Freedom at the End of Life, General, Getting Organised, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Christ’s Easter story of trial, death, resurrection and all that takes place around this – the deception and deceit, betrayal and the coming of a new Age for Christianity can be a lesson for us all. I do think it is particularly pertinent to people when...
by Gayle Palmer | Feb 22, 2017 | Creating a Future to live into, General, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers, Legacy and Gifts, Money and Finance, Possessions |
For most people when you mention the word “Legacy” they think of something you leave in a Will. This conversation is NOT about that type of legacy though (although there may be aspects of it in there.) The type of legacy I am talking about is this: What...
by Gayle Palmer | Dec 11, 2016 | Emotional and Mental well being, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Christmas and the holidays can seem a crazy time to have difficult conversations with parents or grandparents who are getting older – but it really makes sense! Gayle explains why and how to do this without trepidation. Talking to your loved one about what may...