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GREAT GUIDELINES for LATER LIFE Signature 12 month Course


This is my signature 12 month programme and comes WITH live coaching and assistance.

You will have access to each of the 12 modules of the course – over one year. There is one module released per month.

Each module consists of workbooks, worksheets and checklists about that subject area. These are detailed and go deep about each topic. More details about the topics below.

The content includes:

You have access to 2 live phone calls each month.

  • One live call – the module call – is an introduction and further explanation of that module or topic, per month. This lasts about 90 minutes each month. I will speak about that month’s subject in more depth especially in areas that I think most people may be confronted by. It is recorded.
  • One live call is a Question and Answer call of about an hour’s duration each month with coaching included for the course participants. It is also recorded so you can listen again or if you are unable to attend the live call.

These calls use a group lo-cost phone number. You DO NOT need a computer to access them. Each call is also recorded and can be accessed at any time via the download page.

You have access to a private, closed Facebook Group so that participants can support each other over the year. If you have a computer but are not on Facebook, you can by request ask to have help to create a Facebook presence online and will then be able to join the group.

Additional bonuses: various gifts and extra bonuses will be sent to you through the post and at times during the course! They are really special, and you will love them!



Homestudy version of the Great Guidelines for Later Life Signature Programme

There is also the option of purchasing the homestudy version of the course.

  • All the basic workbooks and worksheets and checklists are included in this – again, in either downloadable or printed options.
  • There will also be access to the closed Facebook group page with the other participants.

Added bonuses: Special gifts will be posted to you shortly after signing up, whichever option you choose – direct download or paper-copy.

NB There will be NO access to any live calls or coaching etc. (unless paid for separately or following upgrading.)

Given that I KNOW that everyone is going to get stuck at various points of the course on their own “thing” (it is just part of being human!) – I highly recommend that you purchase the full signature programme option WITH coaching, if you can. Remember that the calls use a lo-cost number from anywhere in the world and are recorded. There is live coaching and more support from Gayle and various experts (extra bonus!) and also from the other participants during the question and answer calls.

The 12 topics of the Great Guidelines Course are:

The 12 topics are:

  1. Health, nutrition, exercise and vitality
  2. Medicals
  3. Money and finance
  4. Family and relationships
  5. Home and lifestyle
  6. Mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  7. Possessions
  8. Legacy and Gifts
  9. Legals
  10. Freedom at the End of Life
  11. Getting Organised
  12. Creating a future to live into

Have you completed the Later Life Assessment yet?

Have you completed the Life Assessment yet?

You will find that by completing the brief LATER LIFE ASSESSMENT that you will have a better idea of how the Great Guidelines for Later Life Course may be able to assist you and your family to creating a brighter, happier future – so why not take this test now?

How do I get started and in what format can I receive the material?

You can choose to receive the modules in two ways:

  • downloadable format from the password protected secure page (you will need a computer for this and online access to the internet). This can be via a Desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet or a personal smart phone (NOT recommended). Note: each individual topic IS comprehensive! There are a LOT of topics and documents! It gives you the flexibility to print these out as you wish or to store them electronically.
  • – OR –

2. A hard copy format for those without computers – or for those who work better with a paper copy. You will receive the paperwork each month, which will go into several large binders over the duration of the course, for safe storage and easy access. You will also receive Compact Discs (or similar media) with recordings of the previous months’ phone calls and recordings which you can listen to as often as you wish. There is a LOT of course information, and hence printing, this means that it is more expensive.

For an extra consideration you can add on an upgrade to be able to access the downloadable version of the course as well as the printed copy. Please ask about this.

At present the Great Guidelines for Later Life Programme has not been launched so there are no prices available.

To enquire further or get on the “EARLY BIRD LIST” for notifications about the launch date etc. please contact Gayle Palmer at wecare@greatguidelinesforlaterlife.com Thank you. 

Gayle Palmer