Staying active mentally and physically brings huge benefits for everyone. It is lovely to share experiences with others, indeed – for human beings it is probably essential for a happy and healthy life. Often it can be difficult to reach out and take up new...
If you are like most Baby boomers, right now you are facing three challenges…. First, more than ever before, you want to devote the remainder of your life to activities that will be meaningful and purposeful to you. Second, since your life expectancy is 20 years...
We all have days when we feel lonely, or a bit lost and unsure of what to do, or unloved / appreciated, or overwhelmed. It is just part of being human – nothing is necessarily wrong. There is a great way to get out of this “muck” though…. be...
There is no real way to prepare for that moment when you realize you need to begin taking care of your parents. There should be a step by step guide explaining what to do – which is what Great Guidelines for Later Life aims to be – but even with a...
Christ’s Easter story of trial, death, resurrection and all that takes place around this – the deception and deceit, betrayal and the coming of a new Age for Christianity can be a lesson for us all. I do think it is particularly pertinent to people when...