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Overheating isn’t just a pets phenomenon but we get exceptionally warm weather so infrequently in the UK, and usually only for a few days, that everyone seems to forget how to cope with the heat!

Here are lots of top tips that make a difference and could even save your life!

Firstly, getting prepared makes all the difference! Don’t assume that you won’t get effected. Don’t assume that your fan works or you can’t do anything if the air-conditioning unit stops working!

The good news is there are plenty of natural, free or cheap solutions everyone can do. 🙂

Overheating can be a medical emergency, especially if combined with de-hydration – and it can creep up on you if you don’t know what to look for.

The elderly and very young are the most vulnerable to heatstroke and other problems due to their body functions. Stay alert!

Heart failure, swelling legs and breathing difficulties are common during periods of extreme heat. DO NOT be ashamed to call a GP or go to A & E.

How to stay cool at night

messy unmade bed

  • “Spray your sheets with water and put them in the freezer. Lovely.”
  • “A great trick for warm nights is to use a hot water bottle, but fill it with cold water (or pop it in the freezer for a while). Keeps you nice and cold and saves on electricity for fans.”
  • “The best way to keep cool in bed is to get a large bath towel, soak it in cold water, wring it out and then use it to cover you when you go to bed – bliss.”
  • “Put on a pair of wet socks, if you don’t mind damp sheets. I’ve also found a wet pillowcase to be quite effective.”
  • “Spray your sheets with water and put them in the freezer. Lovely.”
  • “I’ve been putting a baby bath filled with cold water and ice cubes next to the bed. Every time I feel a hot flush coming on I simply swing my legs out of bed and plonk my feet in the water for five minutes.”

Keeping cool when you’re out and about

woman sweating heat outside

  • “If you have to go out anywhere, take a packet of wet wipes with you and keep wiping your face and back of your neck or a cool flannel in a plastic bag that you can get out when you need to. “Try Magicool – it is brilliant and helped cool me down.”
  • “If you have trouble with a sweaty scalp and drippy make-up like I do – try Odaban. You spray or dab a bit on your scalp and hairline when you’ve dried your hair and it stops your head sweating.”
  • “Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.”

Coping with work and commuting

desk fan office work station
  • “If you work at a computer all day, get a cheap USB-powered desk fan.”
  • “Water bottles and wet flannels in a freezer bag in the freezer overnight if doing a tube journey the next day.”
  • “If you have to sit anywhere hot for a long time – like commuting on an un-airconditioned hell train – an ice pack helps a lot! I wrapped one in thin fabric and put it down my back.”

How to stay hydrated

cold water filter

  • “Fizzy drinks do not quench your thirst – plain water is best.” “Stuff like watermelon and cucumbers are lovely and cooling, as well as being full of water.”
  • “Make some Ribena ice cubes.”
  • “Ice lollies are better than ice cream, particularly if you make your own overnight (less fat and sugar, so not as sickly).”
  • “Avoid excess alcohol, caffeine (tea, coffee and cola) or drinks high in sugar.”

Lowering your body temperature

hot tea steaming cups

  • “I have been told to drink warm or hot drinks so that the internal body temperature rises to the outside temperature, making you feel less hot. It works.”
  • “Take a cool shower and let the water evaporate off you.”
  • “I always find a really really hot shower works for me. When you get out it’s all nice and cool. It may sound mad, but give it a go!”
  • “Keep your hair wet if you can – I found this really helped to keep me cool and as much as possible, keep it off your shoulders.”

Finding your cooling spots

ice pack on head
  • “Those kool strips for migraines are good for cooling your head down.” “Run your wrists under cold water for an instant cool.”
  • “Try putting an ice pack in the crook between your chin and neck, just under your ear. It’s where the blood is closest to the surface of your skin and should cool you quicker.”
  • “Put socks in cold water, then in the freezer for half an hour, then put them on (or get someone else to if you can’t reach).”
  • “Keep a foot spray in the fridge.”

Staying comfortable throughout pregnancy – an especially difficult time – but could be for anyone!

pregnant woman wears bikini summer

  • “My friend lived in a bikini and sarong at home when pregnant. Fab idea in my opinion!” “You just have to buy large, airy, cotton clothes and try and look bohemian and have a good time.”
  • “I spent any time I had at home wafting around in this huge nightgown that was more like a circus tent. It was great as it created its own breeze.”
  • “Sit around the house in wet clothes!” “Sitting at home entirely as nature made me – very comfortable!”

Keeping your home cool

fan cooling air
  • “If you have a fan – get a tea towel and wet it, then put it over the grills (make sure it can’t get caught). This will circulate cool air with some moisture, which reduces dehydration.”
  • “Keep curtains and blinds shut during the day.” Re-open them once the heat has dissipated at night – usually +11pm.
  • “If you have a loft hatch, open it and warm air will go up.”
  • *Open your front door and let the breeze get blown out by going up the stairs and out the upstairs windows.”
  • Stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11:00 and 15:00 (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.”

Avoid any unnecessary exertion

“If you work at a computer all day, get a cheap USB-powered desk fan.”

“Water bottles and wet flannels in a freezer bag in the freezer overnight if doing a tube journey the next day.”

“If you have to sit anywhere hot for a long time – like commuting on an un-airconditioned hell train – an ice pack helps a lot! I wrapped one in thin fabric and put it down my back.”

And lastly – Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.

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© Great Guidelines for Later Life 2017