If you have never thought about your funeral – and what you want for your mortal remains – as well as what emotions and legacy you want for those who leave behind – it may be time to consider a burial at home, in earnest.
In this post I wanted to briefly discuss the very special privilege of being buried AT HOME.
There are, of course, a variety of extra legal requirements which must be fulfilled and considerations to take into account. Â Another One of those is if relatives would be allowed to visit the grave in the future.
One of the legal rules is that the burial site must be at least 200m away from a water source eg a stream. This is in case of water contamination.
There are other requirements that need to be fulfilled before it can take place. (Funeral directors can advise further, and I go into this in the Freedom at the End of Life course too.
Clearly there are other things to think about – including the potential change in value to your house. Not everyone wants someone else at the bottom of the garden – but for some sites and people it is a perfect solution.
Getting clarity if this is applicable for you is important though.
All of this, and a whole heap more about funerals and service options are covered in depth in the Freedom at the End of Life course. To find out more please follow this link: http://greatguidelinesforlaterlife.com/feol-course-info/
What do you think about the idea of woodland / Green / home burials? Write in the comments below.
Here you can see a beautiful wicker basket – an increasingly used coffin option – which is eco-friendly and biodegradable.
Stunning isn’t it?
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