by Gayle Palmer | Apr 7, 2020 | General |
Hoping that you won’t get COVID-19 is not a positive action – it comes in the victim category, and wastes precious time! Take ACTION! Here is what to prepare, just in case.. 😉 *What to do if If you get Covid-19* You basically just want to prepare as...
by Gayle Palmer | Jan 10, 2017 | Health, Help for Seniors, Vitality and Exercise |
Do you want to feel younger ongoingly? You’re never too old to start eating right and taking care of your body from the inside out. Try to incorporate these four foods into your diet to help keep your mind and body on the upside of life. • Apples — they help keep your...
by Gayle Palmer | Dec 14, 2016 | General, Health, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Choice – it is one of the main attributes which perhaps separates us from many other animals. The ability to choose conceptual and practical things. Have you noticed that as people get older the choices that they make can change? Have you ever wondered why you...
by Gayle Palmer | Dec 14, 2016 | Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Have you noticed that the period shortly before, during and after Christmas / New Year seems to bring with it an increase in the mortality rate? Have you ever wondered why? Let’s examine what is going on for many and why the risks of dying at this time of year...