by Gayle Palmer | May 5, 2017 | Creating a Future to live into, Emotional and Mental well being, Getting Organised, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers, House and Lifestyle, Possessions |
“To accumulate is to live as if you are not going to die.” Well – have you got a lot of clutter and things which no longer serve you?! They are called “possessions” in case you were wondering… YOURS!! However you may try to not think about...
by Gayle Palmer | Feb 23, 2017 | Emotional and Mental well being, Freedom at the End of Life, General, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers, Legacy and Gifts |
Today I am off to a funeral of a dearly loved patient and client of mine. She celebrated her 90th Birthday at the end of 2016 with a big family party and get together. Indeed – she made sure that she was celebrating for a few weeks – good for her! But, as...
by Gayle Palmer | Dec 14, 2016 | General, Health, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Choice – it is one of the main attributes which perhaps separates us from many other animals. The ability to choose conceptual and practical things. Have you noticed that as people get older the choices that they make can change? Have you ever wondered why you...
by Gayle Palmer | Dec 14, 2016 | Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Have you noticed that the period shortly before, during and after Christmas / New Year seems to bring with it an increase in the mortality rate? Have you ever wondered why? Let’s examine what is going on for many and why the risks of dying at this time of year...
by Gayle Palmer | Dec 11, 2016 | Emotional and Mental well being, Help for Seniors, Help for the mid-lifers |
Christmas and the holidays can seem a crazy time to have difficult conversations with parents or grandparents who are getting older – but it really makes sense! Gayle explains why and how to do this without trepidation. Talking to your loved one about what may...